Kolaka District Human Development Index (HDI) 2007 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kolaka Timur Regency

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Kolaka District Human Development Index (HDI) 2007

Catalog Number : 4102002.7411
Publication Number : 74110.0707
Release Date : July 1, 2008
File Size : 0.32 MB


The Human Development Index (HDI) is a composite index which is composed of three indicators namely the length of life, the level of knowledge and a decent standard of living. Life duration is measured by life expectancy, the level of knowledge is measured by the average length of school and literacy rates, while the standard of living is worth measuring by per capita expenditure. The rate of HDI in Kolaka Regency is expected to be the basis for policy development in Kolaka Regency.

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Kolaka Timur (BPS-Statistics of Kolaka Timur Regency)Kompleks Perkantoran Pemda

Desa Lalingato Kecamatan Tirawuta

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